Conferences and Workshops

Upcoming events

MultIChem workshop
organized jointly with the second Collisions Physics and Chemistry and their Applications" (COPCA 2024) conference
October 15-16, 2024
University of Malta, Valletta, Malta

Workshop "Industrial applications of irradiation-driven phenomena in condensed matter systems"
October 10-11, 2024
Hellenic Mediterranean University, Rethymno, Greece


WG1&2 Meeting 
July 25-26, 2024
Frankfurt Innovation Center for Biotechnology, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Past events

3rd Annual MultIChem Conference
organized jointly with The Eighth International Conference "Dynamics of Systems on the Nanoscale" (DySoN)
under the title "DySoN-MultIChem 2024 Conference" 
April 10-12, 2024
Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia

2nd Annual MultIChem Conference 
April 26-28, 2023 
Prague, Czech Republic 
First announcement 
Second announcement 
Scientific program 

1st Annual MultIChem Conference 
May 16-18, 2022 
Boppard, Germany 
First announcement 
Second announcement 
Scientific program 

Workshop "Multiscale modeling of radiation-induced biodamage for radiotherapy applications" 
September 21-22, 2023 
Particle Therapy Research Center (PARTREC), University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) 
Groningen, Netherlands
Workshop program

WG1 Meeting 
July 21-22, 2023 
Hveragerði, Iceland 
Scientific program
Booklet of abstracts

Workshop "Irradiation-driven chemistry: Multiscale approach" 
March 14-15, 2022 
CECAM HQ, EPFL campus 
Lausanne, Switzerland 
Announcement of the workshop 
Booklet of abstracts 

Kick-off meeting of the COST Action CA20129 MultIChem 
October 4-5, 2021 (online event)