MBN Research Center offers hands-on tutorials for the MBN Explorer and MBN Studio users and training courses in application of the software in different areas of academic and industrial research, advanced interdisciplinary courses on MBN Science, and related areas of theoretical and computational physics.
The hands-on tutorials aim to explore physical models and computational approaches used for the simulations of Meso-Bio-Nano systems and the investigation of their structure and dynamics at the atomic level of detail. The course is based on practical exercises with the universal computational package MBN Explorer and MBN Studio - a special multi-task toolkit and a graphical user interface for MBN Explorer. The tutorials are performed with the latest version 5.0 of MBN Explorer and MBN Studio. In particular, the case studies of atomic clusters, nanoparticles, biomolecular systems, nanomaterials, composite materials and material interfaces, crystalline, liquid and gaseous systems, thermo-mechanical properties of materials, dynamical, collision, chemical and irradiation-driven multiscale phenomena are discussed. Relevant physical concepts, mathematical techniques and computational methods are introduced, including force fields and algorithms used in molecular modeling, molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations on parallel computers.
The tutorial is designed for graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and staff in computational and/or bio/nanophysical and chemical fields, materials science, radiochemistry and radiobiology who seek to extend their research skills to include computational and theoretical expertise, as well as for all other researchers interested in theoretical and computational physics and chemistry.

Recently held training courses on Computational Methods for Complex Molecular Systems:
- MultIChem Summer School, Bad Bertrich, Germany, August 07-10, 2023 read more...
- 2nd MultIChem Training School, Debrecen, Hungary, March 28-30, 2023 read more...
- 1st MultIChem Training School, Lisbon, Portugal, October 03-07, 2022 read more...
- University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom, July 04-06, 2022 read more...
- Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Thun, Switzerland, March 12-13, 2020
The full list of tutorials can be found here.
In addition, the MBN Research Center team organises regular training for early-stage and experienced researchers visiting the Center in the framework of European collaborative research projects.